Monday 11 February 2013

Gather Around My Son And I Shall Tell You A Tale.

I had to get an eye test not long ago to see if I'm still eligible to drive. Because clearly my ability to read letters off a board makes me drive good good (idiots).

The line was pretty fucking long and there was this old Polish guy in front of me so we got chatting. This guy was pretty incredible. He had escaped Poland as a small kid after all his family had been lost, was an airforce pilot for 27 years, an atheist and an internationally renound opera singer (but only in his bathroom). Now he was making sure he could still have a licence so he could drive out to put flowers on his wife's grave. But best thing, he told all these Polish jokes.

Said he likes poking fun at himself. Keeps him young.

So his name gets called and we say our quick goodbye and he goes to read the board which I can see from my seat (had glasses on at the time). "C Z E W I X N O S T A O C"

The guy behind the counter said "Can you read this for me sir?"

And with the calmest of calm, my mate said : "Read it? I know the guy."

Now THAT'S the kind of old person I want to be.

Fucking legend.

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